Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Become a sponsor

Dear entrepreneurs and companies concerned about the security of your clients and users!

We would like to invite you to become sponsors of our cybersecurity information portal. Your participation in this project will not only be honorable but also beneficial for your business.

Join us, and together, we can create a reliable and secure space on the internet! Please contact us for additional information on sponsoring our cybersecurity portal.

Link Placement

By becoming a sponsor, you will have the opportunity to place a link to your website, which contributes to increasing traffic to your resource

Article Publishing

In addition, each sponsor has the right to publish up to 2 articles on cybersecurity topics per month and place up to 2 links in each article

Joint Promotions

We are confident that our audience is interested in the products or services you provide. We can organize various advertising formats that will promote your brand


Protectimus is a powerful ecosystem for building strong authentication. Protectimus is a combination of comfortable security and an affordable price

Contact Us

Reach out to us if you're interested in working with us or just have some general questions.

Get in touch with us today.

Industry Leadership

 Your company can become one of the leaders in this field by offering your services and products to clients and users on the pages of our portal


John McHacker

John was a computer programmer and hacker known for his expertise in breaking into secure computer systems. He developed a reputation as a master of computer security and was often hired by companies to test the strength of their cybersecurity measures.

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